Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Following the artists

Here in France it is Ascension Day tomorrow, which is a public holiday. The French have a great tradition which is called "faire le pont". This means that when a public holiday falls on a Thursday people take Friday off as well and make it a long weekend. (Not so good when you're self-employed and have to work anyway!) So, usually there is no nursery school on Wednesdays but today my son has school so that everyone can have an extra day off on Friday!

So this weekend there are a few events going on in the area. One is called "Artistes à Suivre" (Follow the Artists). This is like an Open Studio event where local artists open their studios and accept visitors. My husband Jonathan usually participates and our village rallies round, offering lunch for sale made with local produce (delicious fresh cheese made with ewe's milk, hand-made sausages ... mmmm). However, this year the committee has changed and they decided that the circuit was getting too large and that is was not possible for people to visit all the artists. So this year the event is taking place on the other side of the valley and maybe next year over here again.

The downside of this is that we won't be involved in all the festivities but the upside is that we can finally go and visit fellow artists in the area, whereas usually we have to stay in the studio to receive visitors.

I will report on how the weekend goes, it is usually quite interesting. Meanwhile, since my husband isn't exhibiting this year I'll give his etsy shop a little promotion. He sells etchings, dry-points and paintings of landscapes, vineyards, vessels, vases and bowls. Check it out here:

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